{"id":101466,"date":"2022-05-22T09:31:59","date_gmt":"2022-05-22T04:01:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/the-boys-mock-marvel-and-justice-league-with-parody-film-dawn-of-the-seven\/"},"modified":"2022-05-22T09:31:59","modified_gmt":"2022-05-22T04:01:59","slug":"the-boys-mock-marvel-and-justice-league-with-parody-film-dawn-of-the-seven","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/the-boys-mock-marvel-and-justice-league-with-parody-film-dawn-of-the-seven\/","title":{"rendered":"The Boys mock Marvel and Justice League with parody film \u2018Dawn of the Seven\u2019"},"content":{"rendered":"

Prime Video\u2019s adaptation of the hit comic book series The Boys<\/em> has poked fun at pretty much everything in its previous two seasons and its web content.<\/p>\n

Unabashed patriot Cameron Coleman is basically Tucker Carlson, they\u2019ve satirised companies capitalising on LGBTQ+ content, and now, they\u2019ve taken aim at the Marvel franchise and Justice League.<\/em><\/p>\n

Releasing a trailer for \u201cthe Bourke cut\u201d of the fake blockbuster Dawn of the Seven<\/em>, fictional superhero company Vought International wrote on YouTube: \u201cWhen darkness descends on the world, and it seems all hope is lost, seven heroes will rise. <\/p>\n

\u201cSeven who will stand. Seven who will fight. Seven who will restore light and hope, and see the sun rise on a new era.<\/p>\n

\u201cThis is the true story of the greatest superhero team the world has ever known.\u201d<\/p>\n

Except anyone who has seen the popular show on Amazon\u2019s streaming service will know that these \u2018supes\u2019 are actually Absolutely Terrible \u2013 with the drama instead imagining a world where superheroes are incredibly corrupt, and only one group of vigilantes are willing to take them all on.<\/p>\n

Not content with mocking the Zach Snyder cut of DC Comics\u2019 Justice League<\/em>, the showrunners have even launched an official website<\/a> for the \u2018film\u2019, with one critic from \u2018Slash Vilm\u2019 instructing audiences to \u201cstay for the post-post-credits scene credits\u201d.<\/p>\n

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Take that, Marvel.<\/p>\n

And not long after sharing the \u2018trailer\u2019 on social media, fans were quick to praise the parody \u2013 including Mr Snyder himself \u2013 and demand Vought Studios \u2018Release the Bourke Cut\u2019:<\/p>\n


Congratulations to Director Bourke. Excited to see your vision realized.https:\/\/twitter.com\/VoughtIntl\/status\/1527680600466984968u00a0u2026<\/p>\n

\u2014 Zack Snyder (@Zack Snyder)


The nod to Snyder’s work is dope. Great way to show appreciation to a goat. From the logo to the hashtag. pic.twitter.com\/7ySzRlkvnj<\/p>\n

\u2014 Christ. J.C (@Christ. J.C)


i have never heard of dc or marvel in my life i only know the VCU<\/p>\n

\u2014 anna (@anna)



\u2014 Brandon Nezamoodeen (@Brandon Nezamoodeen)


can we get the full movie , if they can make buzz lightyear the movie, why not this<\/p>\n

\u2014 Adamexe20a #FFXIV4SEA (@Adamexe20a #FFXIV4SEA)


Oh this is beautiful, especially since they were filming this during season 2.https:\/\/twitter.com\/VoughtIntl\/status\/1527680600466984968u00a0u2026<\/p>\n

\u2014 Noam Blum (@Noam Blum)

The film is supposedly due to be released on 3 June \u2013 conveniently, the same date that the third series of The Boys<\/em> is set to be released on Prime Video.<\/p>\n

God, we love marketing.<\/p>\n

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