{"id":101157,"date":"2022-05-20T20:06:03","date_gmt":"2022-05-20T14:36:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/hayley-atwell-was-at-the-top-gun-maverick-premiere-but-her-date-was-not-tom-cruise\/"},"modified":"2022-05-20T20:06:03","modified_gmt":"2022-05-20T14:36:03","slug":"hayley-atwell-was-at-the-top-gun-maverick-premiere-but-her-date-was-not-tom-cruise","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/hayley-atwell-was-at-the-top-gun-maverick-premiere-but-her-date-was-not-tom-cruise\/","title":{"rendered":"Hayley Atwell Was At The Top Gun: Maverick Premiere… But Her Date Was Not Tom Cruise"},"content":{"rendered":"



Tom Cruise has always been one of the biggest movie stars in the world but at 59-years-old the actor is going through a period where may be even bigger than ever before. We\u2019re on the verge of the release of Top Gun: Maverick<\/em> a sequel three decades in the making, and that will be followed by a pair of Mission: Impossible<\/em> films. And one of Cruise\u2019s M:I<\/em> co-stars, Hayley Atwell (who was allegedly personally involved with Cruise) recently attended the premiere of the new Top Gun<\/em>. But she didn\u2019t attend with Cruise, she brought her mom.<\/p>\n

Hayley Atwell posted some pictures to Instagram<\/u><\/a> showing herself getting ready to attend the premiere of Top Gun: Maverick<\/em>, but when it came time to actually go to the event, she added some incredible pictures of herself and the person she called \u201cthe best date I could wish for.\u201d Atwell and her mother look like they\u2019re having a great time \u00a0<\/p>\n