Worried animal lover takes sick baby hedgehog to vet, but what they discover is SHOCKING!

Woman Mistakes Baby Hedgehog for Bobble Hat: A Heartwarming Tale

Heartwarming Encounter

A worried animal lover found what she thought was a sick baby hedgehog on a pavement, alone and unmoving. She tenderly rescued the tiny creature from the cold street and placed it in a cardboard box lined with newspaper.

A Misguided Rescue

The woman even set out a small dish of food to entice the possibly injured hoglet to eat. She lovingly nursed the tiny patient overnight, but when it still hadn’t moved by the morning, she rushed it to Lower Moss Wood Wildlife Hospital in Knutsford, Cheshire.

A Surprising Discovery

Upon inspection, the animal hospital manager, Janet Kotze, was shocked to find that the supposedly ailing hedgehog was, in fact, a bobble from a winter hat. The mortified woman couldn’t believe her mistake and quickly took the bobble, and the box, back home.

Early Hedgehog Sighting

Janet noted that the discovery was particularly surprising as it is very early in the year for baby hedgehogs to appear. Despite the mix-up, the kind-hearted woman’s intentions were in the right place, and Janet commended her for her good deed.