Woman who is selling her house finds potential buyers have used her bathtub and climbed into her bed to get in the bath

After believing that potential buyers would take her home for a test drive, a woman became viral on TikTok.

A clip that has been viewed almost 200,000 times. @fortdefianceShe couldn’t help but feel confused after one of her home viewings.

She showed them the rooms, including the bathtub, where strangers are alleged to have taken advantage of, and she “painstakingly scrubbed and vacuumed and wiped for like 25 minutes before the viewing.”

Her bed was also in a worse state than she left it. “I’m pretty sure someone got into my bed – and now this bench is askew,”She said this while pointing at the slanted chair with the camera. The creator then showed us the second bedroom. “yep, and this one too”She quickly followed with a second, which she believed was also used by the viewers.

The TikToker finished her video laughing hysterically and said, “hope you all had fun.”

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I wish we had cameras because I am seriously so curious about what happened in my house during this showing 😂 #realestate #houseshowing

Many users have flooded the clip complaining about the lack of professionalism of the other house-viewing agent.

“I bet they have kids,”One was theorized. “But either way, you might call your agent to let them know. The other agent should be more professional w/ clients.”

“Are you selling house with furniture? If not id call your agent and complain that’s very unprofessional you don’t know what people spread around,”Another thought.

The third was added: “I can see sitting on a couch while you weigh the decision. But I will never understand why people get in strangers beds!!!”

In a follow-up video

The TikToker had the last laugh. She says that she spent so much time cleaning out the tub because it had been home to her baby goat, who is currently recovering from a broken leg.

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