Woman reveals ultimate fake tan hack to make it look like you’ve been abroad & it only needs a 1p item of stationery

Although the sun is shining, we are all hoping to soak up a few rays here and there. 

You may be sitting in front of your computer when the sun is the hottest. 


One tanning enthusiast has revealed her hack to create a faux summer European vacation tan using fake tanner, stationary and fake tanner.Credit: tiktok.com/@hondroutwins


Sticky tape is used by the tanning fan to make fake bikini belts.Credit: tiktok.com/@hondroutwins

If you’re in the wrong spot at the right time, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your summer tan is over. 

A tanning enthusiast has revealed her hack to create a faux summer European vacation tan using fake tanner, stationary and fake tanner.

People say it takes too much work. 

“One of the” @hondroutwins They shared their hack on a TikTok online video. 

The beauty fan said: “ I’m gonna show you how to fake a summer European tan. And it starts with outer ego and sticky tape.”

“I’ve been to Europe before, and I have had, surprisingly, a natural summer tan.”

A tanning enthusiast uses adhesive tape to make fake bikini belts for her shoulders. 

She then smothers the chest with fake tanning cream.

She said: “I’ve been tanning for a very long time. What I’m talking about is fake tanning. You can get that gorgeous European summer glow by using your outer ego.

“So this is around one and a half to two layers. I’m gonna marinate for two hours and then come back and show you my bad boy bikini strips.”


After letting the tan ‘marinate’ for two hours the tanning fan washed it off and removes the tape. 

The results of her video were less obvious than expected. 

The video gained over 960,000 views online but people were less than impressed with the tanning fan’s methods. 

One user said: “Bro it’s to much”

“In what europe is that a natural summer tan,” said another. 

A third viewer said: “So no ones gonna talk about how she got it on her shirt.”

“Isn’t really noticeable,” argued a fourth viewer. 


Her video results showed the results to be less noticeable than most people expectedCredit: tiktok.com/@hondroutwins