Willem Dafoe Pestered By Appleton, Wisconsin Couple In Opening Monologue

Willem Dafoe hosted his first episode of Saturday Night LiveIn his opening monologue tonight, he spoke about his excitement to return to New York, where he started his career as a actor.

“I moved here when I was 21, had no money, and rented an apartment on 10th and Avenue A for 200 bucks a month, and that’s where I learned how to act,”The four-time Oscar nominee said so. “For example, I had to act like I enjoyed having a bathtub in my kitchen.”

Dafoe recalls that he began his career in experimental theatre as a member of The Wooster Group. “That background really taught me how to throw myself into a role,”He said. “Some people tell me that my acting is over the top, but to me, one man’s over the top is another man’s engaged performance.”

Dafoe later mentioned that he was a savant. “an expressive face”That he “can’t control,”This has been a major contributor to many of his most iconic roles. “I don’t think about controlling it. I’m not one of those subtle actors like Nicolas Cage or Al Pacino. Maybe that’s why people come up to me and say, ‘You know what role you’d be perfect for? The Joker,’” he deadpanned. “Always nice to hear that you’ve got the vibe of a sociopath.”

Dafoe thanked him SNL‘s live audience for coming out in the midst of a snowstorm, and was transitioning to speak about his childhood in Appleton, Wisconsin when he was interrupted by a preppy-looking couple, played by Aidy Bryant and Mikey Day.

“You’re never going to believe this,” said Bryant, “but we’re from Appleton, Wisconsin, too.”

“That’s nice,”Dafoe. “You came here to support one of your own.”

“Uh, no, no. We got tickets from the lottery,” admitted Day.

“Yeah, had no idea you were hosting, but we’re huge fans. We’ve seen all of your Spider-Man movies,” said Bryant. “Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man: The New One.”

Dafoe was kind enough to let the couple know that It hasHis films were not in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He was then required to inform them that he was not in either. Full Metal Jacketnor The Passion of ChristThey believed that. (He was in Platoon and The Last Temptation of Christ, for the record.)

“Oh, well what about Speed 2: Cruise Control?” asked Bryant.

“Yeah, that was you in Speed 2 right?” asked Day.

“That was me,” Dafoe admitted.

“Well, Appleton is just so proud of ya,” said Bryant. ” I mean, you’re out there making movies with big Hollywood stars like Timmy ChalametAnd Shrek.”

“We just wish you still had your Wisconsin accent,”Day added

“I can still speak Wisconsin,”Dafoe said it to them before they rattled off the phrase. “Hey, you guys. Let’s go down to Krambo’s and get a drink from The Bubbler!”

“He’s still got it,”Bryant exclaimed, Day asking in closing “Has anyone told you, you should play The Joker?”

Dafoe is joined for tonight’s episode by musical guest Katy Perry. You can see his opening monologue above.