Why you should avoid this bizarre new trend in tourism across Europe

TOURIST ALERT: A potential fraud when traveling in Europe

The individual encountered other tourists on trips to Rome or Vienna. They asked for food and claimed that they ran out of money.


He claimed that he had seen the same scam in Rome and Vienna.Credit: Getty

But, the holidaymaker was not certain if this was a popular trend, or something to be concerned about, so he took photographs RedditAsk other tourists if they have seen the same thing.

He wrote: “I am in Rome, and today I had an encounter with a man while I was seated on a bench.

He explained that he was originally from Hungary and had just three days left to go to Rome. But he had run out money.

“He then asked me straight out to buy him pasta at a nearby place.

“I told him I was on a low budget myself but offered him two bananas I had, which he ended up taking.”

It wasn’t the first occasion that the tourist asked for food.

He added: “It was similar to what happened on my previous trip. It was pre-covid at a Vienna bus terminal.

“A man approached me, explaining that he was visiting us from the Balkans. He told me a vague story about how he lost his money and asked me to purchase him food at the kiosk.

“This guy actually got annoyed when I offered him something I had on me, calling it s*** food.

“This guy was probably in his 40s. Today, he is around 30.

“Maybe I’m too skeptical, but I don’t believe their story about running out of money to buy food.

“I can’t understand why they lie, but I don’t know what their deal is. They are just trying to get away with it. Another?

“Anyone who has experienced this? I’d like to know if this is a common phenomenon or just a coincidence that it happened twice to me.”

Some said that the victim was the victim of a shopkeeper scam to make more money.

One person explained it.

They explained that this type of begging is a very common scam, especially in areas where the scammer is associated with a local business.

“They beg you to buy some item and once you leave, put it back on the shelf of their partner store and pocket the cash.”

A second writer: “It’s a common scam worldwide – ignore anyone who approaches you on the street. Send some money to a local charity if you feel guilty.”

Others, however, claimed they were “begpackers”Which one of these people is the “The”? “shame”The backpacking community.

They wrote: “They are called begpackers. I consider them the shame of solo travelling. They are more common in South East Asia, I’m surprised they’ve started to appear in Europe too.”

An additional: “I’ve seen begpackers especially in Asia. They are leeches that are best ignored.”

Before the pandemic, bepacking was very popular. Tourists would travel with little to no money and then beg on the streets to help pay for their journeys.

Begpackers are often subject to huge backlash. In 2019, Bali took action against the problem. “tourists”.

Setyo Budiwardoyo, the head of the island’s immigration, stated in an official statement that they were reporting the begpackers on to their embassies. According to DetikAs such, the responsibility for caring for them should fall on the Embassy.

He said, “We have seen many problems with tourists lately. They are either Australians, British, or Russian.”

“We tend to report these cases to the relevant embassies, so that they can oversee their citizens who are on holiday.”

The fraud expert also revealed some tricks tourists can use to avoid being conned on vacation.

This scam involved bird poo and was warned to others.


Tourists were warned about the rising trend in Europe.Credit: AFP