Why Trolls Want Me Sterilised for Ditching Kids’ Artwork – My Parenting Confession!

Title: Confessions of a Mother: Why I Hate Crafting and Baking with My Kids

WHEN I first got pregnant 13 years ago, my rose-tinted spectacles were firmly on. I pictured myself in a pristine white nightie, gazing lovingly at my son as he contentedly slept in my arms. And I thought all the next steps would be equally blissful. I imagined sitting with my children as they created handmade cards, baking delicious cakes together, and celebrating every new step they took on the climbing frame. The reality was very different.

Crafting Woes: Why Glitter and Glue Are Banned in My House

The Dreaded Baking Adventures

Rejecting Make-Believe: My Playground Woes

Screens to the Rescue: Embracing Technology for Mom’s Sanity

Life Becomes Easier: The Benefits of Kids Growing Up Together

Facing Judgment: Dealing with Trolls and Social Media Criticism

Honesty Is Key: Embracing Imperfect Motherhood

Supportive Partnerships: Navigating Parenting Differences

Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea: The Acceptance of Individual Preferences

Time Away Is Vital: Balancing Motherhood with Personal Space

Looking Forward: Embracing Future Roles as a Grandparent

Closing Thoughts

Becca Maberly is a post-natal expert and author of Nobody Tells You: Over 100 Honest Stories About Pregnancy, Birth, And Parenthood.