Whitney Port reveals her relationship with food during a weight loss journey

Whitney revealed on her Aug. 1, episode that she initially didn’t feel like addressing it. The Whit podcast. “But in my head, I didn’t think it was as big of a deal as it actually was—and I still don’t really—but I do think that I’m clearly not eating enough and that how I look right now does not look healthy. It’s definitely not what I wanted to look like.”

Seit then, “she has undergone a lot of introspection” and begun to consume more high-calorie foods such as pizza, ice-cream and French fries. She said that her overall goal was to steer towards a healthier diet.

The reality star stated, “I’m going to put good things into my body. I want to also work out to build muscles.” Guys, I am on the case. You are so kind. “Thank you for being so supportive, loving, and not saying anything, but then saying what I wanted to say.”