What TikTok song is Gangster’s Wife?

TikTok is always updating with NEW TRENDING songs

It is always fascinating to learn where these people come from and how they make their appearance on social media.


The song A Gangster’s Wife by Ms Kraziie was originally released in 2008. It has since gone viral.Credit: YouTube/ Ms Krazie

What TikTok song is Gangster’s Wife?

TikTok’s Gangster’s Wife song is a catchy chorus to a song called A Gangster’s Wife written by Ms Krazie.

According to Ms Krazie’s bio on Instagram, she is a Mexican rapper.

The song was recorded by the rapper-slash-singer and released on Smile Now Cry Never’s 2008 album.

It was uploaded on YouTube by the musician in 2015 and has been viewed 3.8 million times.

Although it is not known how the clip ended up on TikTok’s site, it is a great bop that lends itself to many funny videos.

What are the lyrics of A Gangster’s Wife’s?

The chorus, which is featured on TikTok, is the most popular part of the song.

It is a transition from Ms Krazie’s natural voice to a synthesized one.

She sings: ” Daddy let me know that I’m your only girl,
The only man that I need in this gangster world,
Is you and I wouldn’t trade it.”

YouTube has a longer version of this song.


Ms Krazie performing in concertCredit: TikTik/ scarlettbullet00

What number of people have made videos with A Gangster’s Wife’s?

There are currently over 1.3 million videos with the audio clip A Gangster’s Wife from TikTok.

Current hashtag #AGangstersWife has 37 million views while #GangstersWife boasts 78million.

On Instagram, the song is being used by 18.4k people.

Ms Krazie shared a TikTok video on September 24, 2022 thanking everyone who had listened to her song.