What Really Happened Between Kat Dennings And Matthew Gray Gubler?

In his 2015 Glamour interview, Matthew Gray Gubler revealed that his split with Kat Dennings was an amicable one, saying, “I’m still really good friends with her. I love Kat. She’s the best.” He explained that his long hours working on “Criminal Minds” were simply making it difficult to be in a serious relationship, but he did manage to find enough time to squeeze in the filming of the 2014 horror flick, “Suburban Gothic.”

One of his co-stars was none other than Dennings herself.

In an interview with Shockya, Gubler explained why he remained friends with his ex. “It’s very rare to find weirdos who are like yourself, (laughs) so when you find them, you keep them close. Kat’s one of them,” he said. Dennings confirmed Gubler’s assessment of her in a 2011 blog post

, writing, “As you are undoubtedly aware from reading this endless omnibus of redonkulousness, I am kind of a weirdo.”

In a 2007 post, Dennings described her Easter plans as thus: “Lying in the moss covered forest of life being fed grapes by the woodland elves of the universe.” And in 2015, Gubler gave Vanity Fair a tour of the “haunted tree house” that he lives in, showing off a fireplace that he built himself and saying, “I wanted it to look like a drunk gnome had built it.” So you can see how the two would get along.