What number of casualties did Germany and France suffer in World War One, respectively?

All Quiet on The Western Front shows the horrors of war. But how many casualties were the French and German armies in World War One, as well?

All Quiet on the Western Front is as brutal and brutally honest a depiction of war as has ever been penned, with the techniques of modern filmmaking pushing Netflix’s 2022 remake to impressive but chilling new cinematic heights.

From frontal attacks on entrenched positions and the first tank-focused assaults to the eerily silence that comes with mustard gas floating across No Man’s Land, death and destruction were the norm in World War One.

Whilst All Quiet on the Western Front is a must-watch movie, it’s certainly not an easy watch for viewers; so how many casualties did the German military and French armed forces take in World War One?

What was the number of casualties Germany suffered in WW1?

Funded by the European Commission ReportREPERES by Nadege Mougel, The total number of German military personnel who died in World War One is 2,050,897

The conflict saw more than 4.2million military personnel wounded and 426,000 civilians killed. Sources

Place the civilian death rate at 700,000.

Other Central Powers suffered losses of 1.1 million (Austria-Hungary), 751,000 (Ottoman Empire) and 87,000 (Bulgaria).

“This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped shells, were destroyed by the war.” – Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

What number of casualties did the French suffer in WW1?

French Armed Forces suffered the deaths of 1,397.800 soldiers and more than 300,000. Civilians were also killed. There were also 4.2 million injuries.

The United Kingdom, including British Imperial Forces, was hit with 1.1 million KIA and 1.6 million wounds. There were also 109,000 civilian casualties.

Prior to the Bolshevik revolution, the Russian Empire suffered 1.8million military KIA, 4.9million wounded, and 1.5million civilian casualties.

Italy lost 651,000 soldiers, 950,000 were wounded and 590,000 civilians.

The United States lost 116,000 military personnel and 200,000 were wounded. 757 civilians were also killed.

“I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. I see how peoples are set against one another, and in silence, unknowingly, foolishly, obediently, innocently slay one another.” – Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

By Tom Llewellyn – [email protected]

Other news: How many casualties took Germany and France in World War One.