What is the ‘post to view’TikTok feature?

TikTok users are enjoying new features in TikTok Now. But what exactly is this? ‘post to view’ notification that’s taken over the feed and has fans convinced it’s like BeReal?

Many users took to Twitter to vent their dismay at receiving messages like the following: “Post to view.”

Although some may be confused by TikTok’s new update, others aren’t happy about it.

‘Post to view’Users are disappointed by message

A number of users who updated their TikTok discovered that videos and photos uploaded by others had been blurred. “Post to view.”

This meant that users could only see the posts of others by sharing a photo or video.

Users were not surprised to be confused when this feature was added with the latest update.

One user wrote: “What is TikTok’s ‘post to view’? You click on it and it looks like BeReal… can’t one app just stay one app?”

This is part TikTok Now.

TikTok’s Now feature allows users to take a ten-second video or a photo and share it with friends. Users will only be able see other users’ posts after they have updated their profile.

In the hopes of allowing people to stay in touch with their family members and close friends, they will receive daily prompts. While this feature also allows you to view your past uploads, you won’t be able to see it for your friends.

You must be at least 13 years of age to use this feature. If you’re from South Korea, Indonesia or the Philippines, you must be at least 14 years of age.

How to get this feature

TikTok Now may be available in certain countries while others will need to download it separately. If you’re seeing the “post to view”If you see messages in your app, this means that the new feature in-app is available in your country.

To sign up for or log in, please follow these steps:

  1. TikTok Now available from Google Play and App Store
  2. Start the app
  3. On the app, you can create an account. You can also use your TikTok account. Tap the Get started button if you want to use the account you’re currently logged into or TikTok accounts in other countries if you want to log in using another.

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