What does it mean if you have Inverse Psoriasis

What does it mean if you have Inverse Psoriasis

According to the National Psoriasis FoundationInverse psoriasis can be triggered by stress, trauma, alcohol, tobacco, or the stopping and starting of certain medications. It may also flare up due to friction between deep skin folds. There are no scientific methods to diagnose inverse-psoriasis. A thorough examination of the patient’s medical history, and a visual exam of the skin by a doctor can rule out other conditions, such as skin fungus or ringworm. Verywell Health). Doctors may also check for other forms of psoriasis like plaque psoriasis on the scalp or nail-psoriasis.

There are many treatment options available to relieve symptoms and pain. For mild cases of inverse pisoriasis, stress management, oatmeal baths and avoidance triggers can be helpful (via Verywell Health). In the case of secondary bacterial and fungal infections, oral or topical medications may be necessary. In certain cases, injectable drugs can also be used to treat the condition.

Verywell Health suggests wearing loose-fitting clothing to manage symptoms. You can dry the area by applying baking soda or talcum powder to the skin folds. Use cold water and mild soap to wash the skin. Don’t rub the area with a towel. You should also consult your dermatologist for additional treatment options.

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