What do you call a pig that tells jokes? Tricky pun is a real brain-teaser

If you thought dad jokes were extremely easy to crack, can you guess – what do you call a pig that tells jokes?

We have seen plenty of one-liners make a comeback in 2023, thanks to dads on social media flexing their comical chops. One could never get enough of these and some of them are so hard to guess that you would rather solve an actual riddle. Today, we are taking on one such dad joke about a pig that’s humorous.

What do you call a pig that tells jokes?

So, what do you call a pig that tells jokes? The answer is…

You didn’t see that coming, did you?

We are pretty sure the chances of you having heard this joke before are really less, and we can understand if you are struggling to make sense of the answer.

We’ve explained it below for you!

Dad jokes isn’t so easy to crack

Here’s the breakdown of the joke if you still couldn’t get it.

Shtick is an informal term used to refer to a certain style of comic performance or can be used to define a person’s special talent.

Considering pigs love spending time in the mud, the above joke is a wordplay for the expression Stick-in-the-mud. So, we’re talking about a humorous pig in the mud who tells funny jokes.

Get it now?

More puns on pigs

There are several jokes about pigs as funny as the one above. We have made a compilation of a few that’ll have you in hysterics.

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