We’re grateful for these Sex and the City Best Friend Moments

If there’s anything Carrie Bradshaw and the girls have taught us, it’s that trends may come and go, but true friendship never goes out of style. 

It doesn’t matter if Carrie and Big have broken up 100 times or if Samantha is sharing her latest sexcape, it matters not.Sex and the City

Ladies stick together no matter what. (We can’t speak for the actresses, but we digress

The Emmy Award–winning HBO drama, which stars Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Chris Noth  Willie GarsonIt won the hearts and affections of women all over the world when it aired for six seasons, 1998-2004. The legacy of the show has not ended there. SATC also boasts two award-winning feature films. Next up for this franchise? The highly anticipated revival It’s as Simple As ThatThe HBO Max premiere of ‘The View’ will air Dec. 9 at 9:00 PM.

Since we’re currently enjoying holiday-themed cosmos and pumpkin pie at home, we thought it’d be best to relive the SATC

friendship moments we’re grateful for. (For the record, Carrie had to make a difficult decision when she had to decide between renting shoes or buying shoes.