Washington Post Reporter Gene Park Reveals Cancer Diagnosis

Gene Park, Washington Post’s gaming reporter, said in a TweetTuesday was his first day of treatment for colon cancer.

“I have cancer,”Park wrote “I will fight it. The fight’s already begun. Thank you all for listening. I’m humbled by your concern and support.”

A link was also provided by the former West coast reporter. Youtube videoThe title “A Cancerous Gene,”Park discussed his diagnosis in detail, and shared that he just had surgery. Park also mentioned that he plans to begin chemotherapy.

https://twitter.com/GenePark/status/1544405833236287489?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener

In the video Park also addressed his cancer’s ties to COVID. On January 24, he tweeted his suspicions about having COVID for a long time. “It wasn’t long COVID that was giving me fatigue,”Park spoke in the video. “but the COVID certainly didn’t help. What we think is that it definitely helped the colon cancer speed and run and become bigger.”

The good news — as Park puts it — is that his colon cancer has not metastasized and that there is no sign of cancer in his liver, lungs or his spine.

Park elaborated further on the first surgery he had last week. He said that it helped to rebuild the area and that he will begin chemotherapy in about a week and half. Park stated that the chemotherapy will shrink the tumor, and then surgery to remove it at the end of the year.

Park said that even though he was told to have his colon checked at age 45, he felt it was too young. His diagnosis could reflect a trend towards men getting diagnosed with colon cancer earlier and later. “I’m now one of them,”Park spoke.

Park then explained that his diagnosis had affected his perceptions about many things, including the perception of death.

“I’ve done so much work, so much work over the last several years to get away from that dark place,”Park was noted. “I look at every day where I draw breath as a complete gift. And I definitely don’t want to lose that.”

Park also mentioned that although he is on medical leave at The Washington Post, he said that writing about video games and playing them helps him feel normal.

Park thanked his supporters and fans, and promised to be there for them.