Washington Couple’s Dog Reunited with Owners 6 Days after Landslide Damages Their Home

Six days after a devastating landslide destroyed a couple’s home in Washington, one of their dogs was miraculously discovered alive.

The disaster happened after torrential rain lifted the family home off its foundation and sent it sliding.

“It just came down,” Didi told Inside Edition.

They thought they would die.

“All of the kitchen cabinetry collapsed on Didi, and the whole collapsed, obviously, on us,” James said.

Didi Fritts and James were trapped in the debris. Their nightmare was made worse by the fact that they didn’t know what happened to Sammy and Lilly, their Labrador retriever Labradors.

“I heard Lilly cry and that was it,” Didi said.

James was rescued by his family and given the OK sign to be taken away on a stretcher.

A week and a half after the collapse, the couple returned their home in search of signs of life for their dogs.

“I heard this whimper, really faint whimper. And I was like, ‘Sammy?’” James said.

Sammy was in a heap of rubble, and a neighbor saw him emerge from the rubble. Unfortunately Lilly died before she could be saved.

Sammy was held in his arms by the neighbor as he climbed a ladder. Didi’s screams of joy were captured in a video of the tearful reunion.

The couple did not have landslide coverage. A GoFundMeDesigned to assist them.

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