Warning to Android and iPhone Users: Protect Your Privacy by Changing This Location-Sharing Setting Now!

WARNING: Disable GPS on Your Phone Camera NOW to Protect Your Privacy

A WARNING has urged phone users to disable the GPS function on their cameras to prevent their exact location from being revealed to strangers. This simple change on an iPhone or Android can help protect your privacy and keep your personal information secure.

Photos can hold onto your location which can be shared with others without realizingCredit: Getty

The tip was brought to light by security expert McAfee on how to protect yourself on social networks. “Turn off the GPS function on your smartphone camera: If you plan to share images online,” McAfee

said. “Make sure that you turn off the GPS on your device to keep your exact location private.” Many apps and devices come with geotagging features, which can broadcast your location if location services are enabled. Digital photos can also reveal your location through metadata, which includes the time, date, and GPS coordinates of where the picture was taken. To protect your privacy, make sure geotagging is turned off on all devices.


There are a few other tips to keep in mind before sharing photos with others to protect your location, according to McAfee.

Before you hit upload, take a moment to pause and consider any risks. You want to ask yourself a few questions before posting or sharing a photo. Here is a breakdown of the questions, per McAfee.

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Could anything in this photo serve as an identifier? Have I unintentionally disclosed personal information like a birthdate, a visible home address, a uniform, financial details, or potential passwords? Consider whether the photo you’re about to share is something you’d feel comfortable with a stranger viewing. Take a moment to review your privacy settings, McAfee explained. It’s important to remember that once a photo is uploaded, we lose control over who can view, edit, and redistribute it which can potentially be in ways we don’t approve of. You can limit your audience to trusted friends and family by customizing your privacy settings on each social network platform.

How to browse photos by location on iPhone:

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer settings that enable you to share posts and account access only with select individuals. Also, communicate your sharing preferences with others – it may feel uncomfortable, but it’s perfectly acceptable to ask friends and family to be mindful of posting photos of you. This request extends to any public comments revealing personal information such as vacation plans, your new home, or any other details that reveal too much information. You can explain your concerns in a private message if needed.