Warning: Record Levels of Chatter Spike Britain’s Terror Threat to Highest Since 9/11 – Insider Reveals Real Risk of Attack

Britain’s Terror Threat Level at Highest Since 9/11, Security Experts Warn

BRITAIN’S terror threat is now at the highest since 9/11, a security insider has warned. The expert has warned there is a “real risk” of co-ordinated terrorist action or of a lone outsider carrying out an isolated attack on these shores.

Record Levels of “Chatter” and the Israel-Hamas War

They also warned of record levels of “chatter” between extremists intercepted by spies which were at their highest levels since the September 11 terror attacks in the US. Politicians have also been informed that the Israel-Hamas war has been used as a “recruitment advert” by terror groups around the world.

Rise in Extremist Activity During Ramadan

It is also understood security officials fear the possibility of a rise in extremist activity during the month of Ramadan in the Muslim world, which starts next Sunday.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Warning

The warning comes in the wake of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s speech outside Downing Street where he warned there are “forces” which are ready to tear the country apart with their “hateful ideological agenda”. In his speech on March 1, Mr Sunak singled out Islamist extremists and the far right who he said were desperate to set “Briton against Briton”. He urged Britain to “stand up for our shared values”.

Increased Extremist Chatter and Security Concerns

A security expert stated, “There is a high chance of both a 7/7-style attack or a lone fired-up attacker like Lee Rigby’s killers”.

Generational Radicalisation and Extremism

Another insider has warned as well as the risk of an immediate attack, there were also fears in the medium term over “generational radicalisation”. Security officials are also said to have warned that young British Muslims were particularly prone to being drawn into extremism following the October 7 Hamas attacks and Israel’s response.

Increased Terrorism Threat

Currently, the country’s terrorism threat level is “substantial” – the third highest state of alert, indicating an attack is likely.

Concerns Over Rising Terrorism

Head of MI5 Ken McCallum has previously warned the atrocities carried out by Hamas on October 7 could be the trigger for terror attacks in the UK. Reports say there were “discussions” to raise the threat again last November.

Since the atrocities on October 7, the Met has made at least 33 arrests for terrorism offences of which seven have been charged. Head of MI5 Ken McCallum has previously warned the atrocities carried out by Hamas on October 7 could be the trigger for terror attacks in the UK.