Waitress slams cheapskate ‘European’ tourists for leaving £53 tip at restaurant

After blaming European tourists for not tipping her enough, a WOMAN has sparked online debate.

Madison Tayt, a Twitter user going by Madison Tayt, shared her experiences on the site after she served a group Europeans.


After announcing that Europeans don’t tip enough in restaurants, a waitress became furious.Credit: Getty

She wrote: “LAMO I f****** hate Europeans sometimes on god.

After chilling for hours, this table only left $70 on their $700 check. When I asked my manager about their service they were FABULOUS about it. He explained that the standard tip for service is 20%. They left.

These tweets provoked debates about tipping culture and thousands were divided by the comments.

One user wrote “They’re basically the worst customer.”

But, non-Americans were not in agreement with her.

One person commented, “This American tipping culture must end. They’ve got to pay you guys an actual salary. You shouldn’t be able to put up with it.”

One other agreed, saying: “In Europe, we aren’t used to the notion that those serving us at restaurants in Europe are really reliant upon our tips for survival.”

One third said: You’re too entitled. You’re mad that they tipped $70, which is quite a bit.

Many others shared stories of tipster behavior, one saying that after an incredible meal at a French restaurant, he left 10%. However the waitress laughed when he told him it was too generous. He then gave it back.

In most US states, the minimum wage for a waiter is $2.13 (£1.74) along with a “tip credit” which employers add and is $5.12 (£4.17)

This takes the hourly wage to £7.25 (£5.91) which is much lower than the UK’s minimum wage of £9.50, which is why they rely on tips on top of this.

A woman who was asked for tips by an airport baggage handler last year left her stunned.

Here’s a list of places that you shouldn’t tip while on vacation.


The comments were split with some criticizing the US rules and others praising them.Credit: Getty