Viewers are left very scared at the BBC’s Tory leadership discussion.

On Monday night, the first debate for the leadership between Liz Truss (left) and Rishi Sunak (right), was broadcast on BBC One. However, it was the introduction that got people talking, rather than what either of them were saying.

The debate was broadcast from Stoke-on-Trent and began with an introduction from Sophie Raworth, the presenter. So far so normal.

The setting and the stance of the candidates soon resembled a David Lynch movie, as Sunak and Truss stood awkwardly next to one another and were completely unmotivated.

Slowly, the camera panted in on them and none of them seemed to be moving. Instead, they grinned maniacally at each other and down the lens into their living rooms. Only after Sunak blinked did we realize that they weren’t cardboard cutouts.

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It was pure nightmare fuel, and viewers at home seemed to agree.

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