Unveiled: The Marvel Movie That Almost Made Deadpool the Villain – Find Out Which One!

Title: The Canceled Marvel Movie that Nearly Made Ryan Reynolds Deadpool’s Villain Again

In a recent interview, Jeff Wadlow, promoting his upcoming horror film “Imaginary,” revealed that his scrapped “X-Force” project drew heavy inspiration from the group’s popular ’90s comic book run. He shared that his script revolved around a group of mutants who attended public school and found themselves on the run in the desolate landscapes of West Texas. Wadlow’s vision for the film also included some beloved characters from the X-Force universe.

Wadlow’s Vision for the X-Force Movie
In his interview with Alex Zane, Wadlow explained that his take on the “X-Force” team focused on the younger mutants, formerly known as the New Mutants. His lineup included characters like Cannonball, Boom-Boom, and a younger version of Domino. Additionally, fan-favorite mutants like Rictor and Feral were set to make appearances in the film. Wadlow discussed how he introduced Cable as a dark mentor figure for the group, emphasizing the dynamic between the seasoned warrior and the fledgling mutants.

Deadpool’s Role in Wadlow’s X-Force
One intriguing detail that Wadlow shared was his portrayal of Deadpool in the film. He described Deadpool’s costume as closely resembling his comic book counterpart, featuring motorcycle leathers and a distinctive red ballistic face mask. Wadlow made it clear that he intended to stay faithful to Deadpool’s iconic look, a departure from the character’s divisive appearance in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.”

The Missed Opportunity for Fans
While Wadlow’s “X-Force” movie never made it past the development stage, many fans lamented the missed opportunity to see a more comic book-accurate version of Deadpool on the big screen. Given the character’s rocky debut in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” a film that showcased a true-to-comics Deadpool, alongside Cable and a diverse roster of mutants, could have been a much-needed redemption for the character. Following the disappointment of Hugh Jackman’s solo outing in the same film, Wadlow’s vision for “X-Force” had the potential to captivate fans and deliver a fresh take on the mutant superhero team.