Unlock Your Future with Today’s Horoscope Forecast by Mystic Meg – May 27, 2024

Astrology Predictions: What’s in store for you today?


March 21 to April 20
Words may feel they are overflowing your mind, but you can regain control. This can mean dealing first with the subjects that are the most difficult – but then the rest can flow so freely. Love has a Mars edge all day, and you can find yourself making some big, bold romance moves, with unique Aries flourish.


April 21 to May 21
Even if no one else seems to appreciate a learning quest, if it feels right for you, stay with it. The influence of Uranus is strong in your self-discovery chart, and you know yourself best. Even if they often try to tell you different. Luck that’s stalled on one set of numbers could restart by swapping first and last.


May 22 to June 21
The glow of Jupiter is so intense for you all week, and you will love getting used to your new golden planet position. But do take the time to keep everyone who cares about you informed of your plans. A movie or TV show with a high level of action can spark an idea in you for your own script, it could be a world winner.


June 22 to July 22

A partnerships moon lights your way to forgiving, even if forgetting still feels a challenge. Trying to see that everyone has flaws, and no one is perfect, can lift a set of limits you have placed on someone special, maybe even yourself. Try to dispose of some deep secrets that could be harming, rather than helping.


July 23 to August 23
Neptune and the moon both make you more sensitive today and you can pick up instantly on unspoken tension, making you a prize addition to a negotiating team. In a family, Jupiter helps see the bigger picture, but this doesn’t mean ignoring valid feelings. Passion has a strong base of mutual support.


August 24 to September 22
If you have a secret love goal this is your day to push towards it. Even just by planning out some key words in your mind, and organising key feelings in your heart. A moon of powerful imagination guides your eyes to exactly the right picture or story that reflects your life, and could answer your questions.


September 23 to October 23
People who live together may never 100 per cent agree – so this can be your moment to work out a compromise. Once everyone knows where they stand, you can all move on. As for love, Jupiter adds a thrill of excitement to Venus’ willingness to learn, so partners explore new territory together. New love wears a red rose.


October 24 to November 22
It’s important to let fresh ideas flow and not try to edit them too soon – so switch off your performance self and let yourself simply feel. One, or more, plans will stick fast to your mind and you will see what to do next. The intensity of love today is so breathtaking partners feel like they are meeting for the first time.


November 23 to December 21
Increasing your status at work may not happen in an obvious way, as maverick planet Uranus is involved. Some of your plans may surprise, even shock – but all of them have potential, so believe in yourself. Prize contest entries go best later in the day, especially if you need to write any kind of rhyme or reasoning.


December 22 to January 20
Your personal moon of deepest feelings could create a challenge today – which path, or person, to follow first? You can have time for all of them, but you must actually begin. Fitness that feels like fun is likely to engage your attention and your impressive willpower. The luck factor draws two straight blue lines.


January 21 to February 18
Wires can get crossed, especially between generations, today – but this can reveal some surprise findings – and feelings. You can understand why someone (maybe yourself) has been acting out of character. Passion-wise, you have a chart of pluses – more options, more intrigues, plus a hot “S” opportunity.


February 19 to March 20
Friendships need attention to be their best – today you can reconnect any bonds you may have been neglecting. But you may also decide it’s time to let some names go for good – follow your heart on this. Venus layers stability into love, while Jupiter’s new lucky position showers couples with shared chances to shine.