Unlock the Secret: 4 Expert ‘Simple’ Steps to Easily Drift Off to Sleep on Planes, Backed by Psychology

“Simple Four-Step Method to Easily Fall Asleep on a Plane”

Falling asleep on a plane can be a struggle for many travelers. But fear not, as expert psychologist Erica Terblanche has shared a simple four-step formula that can help you catch some z’s even while flying high in the sky. With the holiday season fast approaching, this could be the timely lifesaver you need to combat jet lag and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed.

Step One: Finding Comfort and the Alpha Bridge

To start off, Erica suggests making yourself as comfortable as possible in your seat, closing your eyes, and counting to 30. This initial step is essential for transitioning over what Erica refers to as the “alpha bridge”, helping your mind and body relax and prepare for sleep.

Step Two: Open Your Eyes Slightly

The second step involves opening your eyes slightly after the initial countdown. Erica recommends opening them just a little, like a half-moon shape, and counting to five. This action serves as a gentle wake-up call to keep your brain engaged without fully disrupting your relaxation.

Step Three: Repeat and Relax

Next up is a repetition of the first step. Close your eyes again and count to 30, allowing your body to further unwind and sink into a state conducive to sleep. This back-and-forth movement of opening and closing your eyes aids in the transition towards a restful slumber.

Step Four: Focus on Your Breath

The final step is a revisiting of the second action, with an added focus on your breathing. Erica advises opening your eyes once more to a half-moon sliver, counting to five, and then closing your eyes to concentrate on your breath. Observing the rhythm of your breathing, inhaling and exhaling through your nose, can further soothe your mind and lead you into dreamland.

These four simple steps, according to Erica, should help most individuals fall asleep after the first completion of the cycle. By following this method, you can make the most of your flight time and arrive at your destination feeling well-rested and ready to explore.

Additional Tips for a Better In-Flight Snooze

In addition to Erica’s four-step formula, sleep expert Jeff Khan advises travelers to arrive at their flight well-rested to combat jet lag and adjust to a new time zone quickly. According to Jeff, reducing your sleep debt before departure can significantly improve your comfort and well-being during travel.

Furthermore, a Reddit post from 2022 went viral with users sharing their personal tips for better sleep on planes. Suggestions included choosing a window seat for added comfort, using eye masks and neck pillows for relaxation, and wearing cozy clothing to create a sleep-friendly environment.

As the holiday season approaches, these valuable tips and tricks can help you make the most of your in-flight experience and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. So, the next time you’re struggling to catch some shut-eye on a plane, give Erica’s four-step method a try and set yourself up for a peaceful journey. Happy travels!