Unleashing the Unimaginable: Why Maggot’s Powers Might Be Too Shocking for the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Unlocking the Mystery of Maggot: Everything You Need to Know About the Unique X-Men Character

The Quotable X-Men ’97 Season 1: A Love Letter to Marvel’s Mutants

Aside from being a continuation of the beloved “X-Men: The Animated Series,” the quotable “X-Men ’97” Season 1 is a love letter to Marvel’s many mutants, good and evil alike. All of the big-name players one would expect to see in an X-Men-centric story appear, but they don’t come alone. Sprinkled throughout are less mainstream characters, many of which end up appearing solely for a frame or two in the background before disappearing for the rest of the series. Surprisingly, Maggot of all characters gets a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo on the program.

The Mysterious Maggot: A Blink-And-You’ll-Miss-It Appearance

Sadly — or fortunately, since him doing so could’ve meant having to see him use his powers — Maggot doesn’t appear in the flesh on “X-Men ’97.” Rather, as seen above, he’s briefly shown on a copy of The Daily Bugle as part of a story on mutant fashion. He sits alongside fellow X-Men, Banshee, Dust, and Stacy X, but doesn’t appear like the Maggot many would recognize. While his white hair and circular glasses are present, his skin lacks its usual blue hue. His distinctive coloring is dependent on Eany and Meany’s eating habits, so it can be inferred that the two hadn’t eaten anything prior to the photo being taken.

The Unique Powers of Maggot: Why Fans Are Eager to See Them on Screen

Maggot is certainly one of the most unique X-Men to ever join the team, to say the least. Time will tell if he ever properly makes it to animation or live-action and if his signature power will ever be shown in all of its nausea-inducing glory.