Uncovering the Bizarre Romantic Tattoo Mocked with Blink 182 Reference – Poetry Gold Exposed!

Is This the Worst Tattoo Poem Ever? Why This Weird Poem is Getting So Much Attention

A BIZARRE romantic tattoo has come in for a lot of stick. It’s been roundly mocked by users on a public Facebook page. There were a few who could see the beauty in it. But for most, it was just too baffling. “It’s poetry gold,” said one ink art fan.

The Story Behind the Tattoo

The poem appeared on the ‘I’m not tattoo-shaming, but I’m tattoo-sorry you gotta deal with that’ Facebook page. “Rose are red, violets are blue, Garlic bread, Blink 182,” was the extent of this creative output. There was no doubt the inspiration for this rhyming couplet came from many quarters – traditional poetry and 20th-century American rock. But most strangely, garlic bread.

The Poem’s Hidden Meaning

The opening line either contained a typo or was loaded with meaning. The second line passed without muster. Blink-182 is an American rock band. Originally just Blink, they added the ‘182’ to distinguish them from another similarly named band. The numbers refer to the number of times Al Pacino’s character in Scarface said the word f**k. The last line, however, has had commenters perplexed. Could it be a reference to poetry being considered the food of love? Or simply an appetite for the delicious garlicky bread.

Controversial Reactions to the Poem

Commenters enjoyed the show and shared their views. “No need to shame here. This is perfect,” said one person. Another said it was “poetry gold.” “Tattoo inspiration,” said one user. “Best quote of all time, wrote another.” But this person put a great deal of though into their theory. “I like to think it’s saying ‘the red rose’ in and older-English grammatical structure. “As if there’s some terrifying entity or demon hoard called ‘the red’ that awakes every 100,000 years to cause havoc. The only way to appease it is to give it garlic bread and play Blink 182.”