Uncover the Shocking Truth Behind Jenelle Evans’ Extensive Criminal History

The Shocking Criminal History of Teen Mom’s Jenelle Evans

We all love a bit of drama, but Jenelle Evans from Teen Mom took it to the extreme with a whopping 15 arrests under her belt, earning her a reputation as the ultimate bad girl. However, despite her turbulent past, Jenelle seems to have turned over a new leaf and is now focusing on her influencer lifestyle. But let’s take a trip down memory lane to where it all started.

Jenelle’s First Brush with the Law: Breaking and Entering in 2010

Jenelle’s legal troubles began when she was accused of breaking into a neighbor’s home. To make matters worse, she was also found in possession of drugs at the time, escalating the severity of the charges against her. Although she pleaded guilty to possession of drug paraphernalia, her breaking-and-entering and marijuana possession charges were eventually dropped. As a first-time offender who owned up to her mistakes, Jenelle received a lenient sentence of just one year of probation.

A Fist Fight Lands Jenelle in Hot Water in 2011

In 2011, Jenelle found herself in trouble once again after being involved in a physical altercation that resulted in a warrant for her arrest. She was charged with assault and affray and ended up spending 30 days in prison, followed by another year of probation. Despite the assault charge being dropped by the other party involved, Jenelle still faced consequences for her actions.

A Cycle of Trouble Continues

Jenelle’s woes didn’t end there. In 2012, she violated her probation by testing positive for drugs, leading to another arrest. Shortly after, she was accused of harassing her former roommate, Hannah Inman, which led to a domestic protection order being issued against her. However, Jenelle quickly found herself back in hot water for allegedly violating the protection order. Although her roommate dropped the charges against her, Jenelle faced accusations of cyberstalking from her former boss, which were later dismissed.

More Legal Woes with Ex-Boyfriend Gary Head

Jenelle’s tumultuous relationship with ex-boyfriend Gary Head also landed her in trouble. Both parties were arrested on charges of mutual abuse, with Gary facing multiple drug-related charges. While Gary pled guilty to assault, Jenelle managed to have her charges dismissed. In 2013, Jenelle faced accusations of heroin possession, as well as charges of possession of paraphernalia and simple assault, all of which were eventually dropped.

A Continued Spiral of Legal Issues

Jenelle’s struggles with the law persisted as she failed to appear at a hearing regarding cyberstalking, resulting in her arrest. Her battle with drug abuse continued, leading to further arrests, including an incident involving her ex-boyfriend, Nathan Griffith. Despite these issues, Jenelle received only minor penalties for various offenses, including driving without a license.

Latest Troubles and Allegations of Domestic Violence

Most recently, Jenelle has faced allegations of domestic abuse, particularly following her engagement to Nathan. She was arrested for assaulting him, but the charges were dropped at Nathan’s request. However, Jenelle found herself back in court after allegedly attacking Nathan’s new partner, maintaining her innocence throughout the legal proceedings.

Despite her tumultuous past, Jenelle Evans continues to navigate the ups and downs of life in the public eye, with her legal battles serving as a stark reminder of the challenges she has faced along the way.