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Is Ozempic Really Just for Weight Loss? Chelsea Handler’s Surprising Experience


The Comedian’s Surprising Revelation

Comedian Chelsea Handler recently shared a surprising revelation about her experience with Ozempic. She disclosed that her “anti-aging doctor” had prescribed the medication to her without her full understanding of its purpose.

Not Knowing She was Taking Ozempic

During an episode of Call Her Daddy
on Jan. 25, 2023, Handler admitted, “I didn’t even know I was on it.” Her doctor had suggested the drug as a way to shed a few pounds, leading Handler to try it out.

Handler’s Unpleasant Side Effects

Despite following her doctor’s advice, Handler revealed that she did not enjoy the way Ozempic made her feel. She recounted a specific incident where she felt nauseous after injecting herself with the medication following a vacation.

An Unexpected Reaction

Handler’s realization about the drug came during a lunch with a friend who was experiencing similar side effects. This prompted Handler to reevaluate her use of Ozempic, ultimately deciding that it was unnecessary for her medical needs.

Sharing the Surplus with Friends

Handler took the initiative to distribute the remaining doses of Ozempic to her friends, acknowledging that the drug was more suited for individuals struggling with significant weight issues. She candidly admitted to injecting several friends with the medication before discontinuing its use altogether.


Chelsea Handler’s candid revelation sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding Ozempic and its intended purpose. Her experience serves as a reminder that medical advice should always be sought and followed diligently to ensure one’s well-being.