Unbelievable Story: Woman Graduates High School Without Ever Learning to Multiply or Divide!


Why One Woman’s Math Struggles Sparked a Viral Conversation on Education

If you’ve ever found yourself lost in a math class while your classmates effortlessly solve complex equations, you’re not alone. Aaliyah Marais’s story highlights a common issue within the education system that many can relate to: slipping through the cracks when it comes to understanding essential concepts like multiplication and division.

The Struggle with Math: Aaliyah’s Experience

Aaliyah Marais (@aaliyahmarais) recently shared her experience on TikTok, revealing that despite being promoted through the grades, she never mastered multiplication and division. Picture this: you’re in 3rd grade, and while everyone else is moving on to long division and algebra, you’re left behind, relying on mental tricks just to survive. Aaliyah rightly captures the frustration many feel in similar situations. "One day, my teacher showed the class how to divide and multiply," she recalls, "but by day’s end, I still didn’t get it."

The reality is many students who struggle with foundational skills often go unnoticed until it’s too late. Aaliyah confided that she managed to breeze through math by multiplying numbers in her head, using addition—a clever workaround, but not a replacement for true understanding.

The Importance of Mastering Multiplication and Division

Why is mastering multiplication and division so crucial? These skills are building blocks for higher-level math concepts. Aaliyah reflects on her time in school when she vividly remembers getting rewards for timed tests—an incentive that aimed to motivate students. But for her, the rewards were bittersweet. "I remember for every timed multiplication or division test we got 100% on, we’d get a topping for our ice cream sundaes," she shared. While her friends enjoyed extravagant sundaes brimming with toppings, Aaliyah was left with a solitary scoop of vanilla. It’s these early experiences that can shape one’s attitude towards math.

Facing the Challenges of Math Anxiety

Unfortunately, Aaliyah’s negative experiences in math didn’t just fade away after elementary school. As she progressed through high school, her fear of multiplication and division only deepened. “I failed math every single year,” she admitted. Rather than receiving the help she desperately needed, her teachers grew tired of attempting to engage her, leading Aaliyah to miss out on fundamental learning opportunities.

This lack of understanding culminated in her avoidance of significant assessments like the SAT and ACT. Yet, rather than letting that define her future, Aaliyah realized it’s never too late to tackle learning hurdles. Choosing to confront her challenges head-on, she expressed the universal truth that resonates with anyone facing obstacles: “I’d rather try and fail than remain stagnant.”

The Turning Point: Seeking Help and Support in Learning

After sharing her struggles on social media, Aaliyah received a wave of comments from those who couldn’t comprehend how she hadn’t grasped multiplication or division. Online platforms can be both a source of criticism and support. But for Aaliyah, the attention sparked an opportunity: she found someone interested in teaching her math!

At a group gathering, she met someone willing to tutor her. Aaliyah’s determination to finally learn these essential skills was ignited. She quotes, “You can’t become a nurse without knowing basic math concepts.” This realization pushed her not just to seek help but to actively engage with a tutor willing to guide her through her mathematical obstacles.

Redefining Success: Aaliyah’s Journey Beyond Education

Ultimately, Aaliyah’s journey is about more than just conquering multiplication and division. It’s a story of defiance against educational norms that often overlook struggling students. Through all her setbacks, she chose to embrace vulnerability and seek out solutions instead of hiding behind her challenges.

Her message is inspiring—advocating for those who feel stuck in situations that seem insurmountable. For anyone on a journey riddled with obstacles, her words ring true. Success isn’t solely measured by grades or assessments—it’s about perseverance, growth, and the courage to keep trying.

Conclusion: Empowering Students through Advocacy and Awareness

Aaliyah’s candid revelation shines a light on the critical need for educators, parents, and society to closely evaluate how students are supported in their learning journeys. Rather than being promoted without understanding foundational skills, educators must provide targeted support to help every child build confidence in their abilities.

As we continue to share stories like Aaliyah’s, let’s advocate for a system that recognizes the diverse learning needs of students. After all, education should empower everyone to challenge themselves, embrace learning, and dream big.


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