Uber passenger stuck in storm for 9hrs was charged $600 for a ride

What’s the most you’ve ever been charged for an Uber ride? This guy is probably not charging as much.

Andrew Peters took a ride on the transportation platform at Dulles International Airport. However, the car got stuck for several hours.

The nine-hour trip was difficult because of icy roads and heavy traffic. It cost $600.

Both the Richmond man returning from San Francisco and the Uber driver were not aware of the dangerous weather conditions as they embarked on their journey together.

“It was kind of scary,” Peters said. “We didn’t have any food or water.”

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Peters stated that while he was initially charged $200 for Uber, he was later charged $400 more, bringing his total bill to $600.

“I’m still trying to find somebody to talk to understand why they feel like they could charge me this,”Peters.

According to Uber’s website, “heavy traffic may cause your trip to take longer than expected and to compensate your driver for the additional time, your fare may change.”

Peters stated that he disputes the additional charge.

The good news for the passenger is that he will get his money back.

A statement was sent to The Associated PressUber stated: “We have refunded Mr. Peters after this terrible ordeal and are so glad that he and his Uber driver got home safely,” and confirmed the driver’s pay would not be affected either.

Many people in America had the same terrible experience as they did on Interstate 95 in Virginia. For hours, they were without food or water. According to police, the road was made impassable by tractor-trailers that were caught in a winter storm.