Two popular iPhone apps drain your battery. Deleting them is like an instant upgrade.

An expert in TECH has identified two apps which can cause your smartphone battery to drain.

Your device’s battery can rapidly drain if many applications are running in the backround.


You can conserve iPhone battery life by simply deleting two or three appsCredit: Getty

Apps running in the background are draining your iPhone battery, even when you’re not using your device that much.

If you are not using the app very frequently, it may be best to remove them.

One tech expert revealed that there are two other surprising culprits.

Zeeshan A. Arif is the founder and CEO Whizpool Software Company. She Finds You can prolong your battery life if you sacrifice some apps.

Fitbit App is one of the first apps that could be removed.

The tech expert said that despite being a big fan, it might be time to ditch the app. It uses up a large amount of resources on your smartphone.

Arif stated that the app was great at tracking fitness and sleep but also consumed a lot of battery life.

The man added, “If you own a brand new iPhone you can save hours on battery life by deleting the app.”

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Skype is the second app Arif has listed to be axed.

Users can video-call others anywhere on the planet using the telecommunications app.

Arif, however, said you’re better off using another app or removing Skype to conserve your battery.

If you’re looking to save as much battery power on your smartphone as possible then don’t use Skype, he advised.

In its place, he suggested other apps like WhatsApp and Viber.

You can also access social media sites using your web browser.

The U.S. Sun reported previously on an app that you can delete in order to increase your battery’s life by 25%.