‘Turning Red’ is the Most In-Demand Animated Movie Streaming

Parrot Analytics says that while Disney+ dominates the film industry for demand, Netflix, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video also make the cut.

It’s not surprising that Disney dominates the animated film landscape. The top three animated movies in the second quarter of 2022 were “Turning Red,” “Encanto,” and “Luca,” according to Parrot Analytics‘ newly launched Movie Demand data, which takes into account consumer research, streaming, downloadsAnd social media, among other engagement.

The dominance “Turning Red”It is clear that both Pixar Animation and Disney Animation titles are in high demand and adored. “Turning Red” — the coming-of-age movie that follows 13-year-old Mei Lee who turns into a giant red panda when she’s excited — saw a staggering 81 times the average demand of all other films in the United States, putting it in the exceptional category, which only 0.2% of films reach. 

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