Turn your sweater into an easy-to-use travel pillow for flights

One SLEEP specialist has explained why you should never purchase a travel pillows along with a simple hack that will allow travelers to sleep comfortably.

TikToker demonstrates his audience Turn a sweater in a pillow Support your neck muscles


TikToker demonstrates how to use a sweatshirt as a neck support pillow while on the road.Credit: Getty

James Leinhardt said in the video: “When you get to the airport, do not buy this c**p.

The standard travel pillow will not support the twenty muscles and seven vertebrae of your neck, he explained.

Leinhardt claimed that his hack can save you money, and also space for your luggage.

You only need a sweatshirt, and a hair tie.

“With the jumper you are going to be coming home with – because it’s cold and miserable when you do – fold it, roll it, wrap it ’round your neck, get an elastic band or hair bobble and pin it together,” he said.

You now have a gorgeous neck cushion.

Another TikToker has shared their hack for those who would prefer to wear their sweatshirt in the cold on an airplane.

It is not a Video Post by Kate SpiersA TikToker, from Brighton in England, videotaped her travelling companion while on a plane.

The passenger put a bag full of chips behind his back and on his seat.

Amazon offers a standard neck pillow under $20 for those that prefer it.

Memory foam is used to make the MLVOC Travel Pillow, a top seller.

The travel kit includes a 3D contoured eye mask, earplugs and more.

The U.S. Sun has interviewed an executive of a company specializing in luggage loss prevention for more travel tips.

Yohanna Isis shared with travelers a tracking device from Gego.