Tucker Carlson Critises Outdoor Appearances of Masked Biden, Unmasked AOC at the Same Show

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Fox News’ host, lambasted two Democratic politicians Monday night. This is not uncommon. It was notable that he attacked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez for not wearing masks on her recent Florida trip and President Joe Biden because he wore one on the Delaware shore.

The photographs of the politicians outside showed them with and without masks.

“Here’s Biden on the beach last week. He’s outside. It’s a breezy day. There’s no one around but his triple-vaxxed wife — the woman he claims to share a bed with. You’d think Joe Biden would consider this a safe environment, but no. There he is wearing his little surgical mask as he walks through the sand,” he quipped, adding, “What, you’ve got to ask yourself, does Joe Biden imagine is going to hurt him and how is the little mask supposed to help?”

Carlson identified the mask-wearing “completely bonkers,” “textbook hysteria”And “a kind of mental illness.”

When he went after Ocasio-Cortez, he pointed out she went to Florida for the New Year’s holiday and said “she didn’t wear a mask. She got caught on video not wearing a mask and got attacked.”

Ocasio-Cortez did, in fact, face criticism for going maskless outside, though it largely came from conservatives who, among other things, expressed displeasure that her boyfriend’s feet were also visible in the photo of her at an outdoor dining table.