Trump: People Should Not Focus on Violence, But the Size of Jan.6 Riot Turnout

Donald Trump is mad at the media once more. Trump is mad at the media again, this time complaining that no one recognizes how large his supporters were during the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot, as compared with his usual event turnout.

Trump reiterated his usual talking points during a Nevada rally and called his own messaging “old-fashioned” — including the message that children need to be taught to “always respect our great American flag.” He then turned to the events of Jan. 6, in which his supporters attacked the nation’s Capitol intent on preventing the electoral college count and keeping Trump in office, all of which was fueled by lies that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. He didn’t condemn the violence again but took the time to be proud of how many people came out for him.

“You know the biggest crowd I’ve ever seen?”He asked. “January 6th. You never hear that.”

He called then the media “corrupt”Again, they “will never take a camera and turn it around and show them how many people are here.”This is false, however, there have been reports of coverage about Trump’s events, including his inauguration.

In fact, in September 2018, it was revealed that a government photographer actually edited official photos of Trump’s inauguration to make the crowd appear bigger, after Trump himself complained that the original photo showed too much empty space “where the crowd ended” and indicated that his audience was smaller than Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2009. The request was one of Trump’s first in office.

Although the Jan. 6 coverage almost exclusively featured footage of illegal invasions of government buildings, Trump was still dissatisfied.

“It was the biggest crowd and you never hear that and you see very few pictures of it,”He concluded. “But they’re there and that is the biggest crowd I believe I have ever spoken to.”