Trends in ‘Immigration Canada’ on Twitter After ‘K-Trump’ Wins Election

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  • Yoon Sukyeol Donald Trump has been compared to himSouth Korea’s president has been elected as.
  • One of his controversial promises is to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.
  • Twitter users began to discuss how to leave the nation, with “Immigration to Canada” trending.

“Immigration to Canada”South Korean Twitter Trends on Thursday: A conservative candidate Similar to Donald TrumpElect was the new president of the country.

In One of the closest presidential electionIn recent history Yoon Sukyel (61), a former top magistrator with no previous political experience, defeated Lee Jaemyung, 57, liberal ruling party candidate.

Yoon’s win led some South Koreans to consider their immigration options — at least according to Twitter, where the term “immigration to Canada”It was trending Thursday GetDayTrends is a Twitter analytics websiteIn the early hours of the morning, close to 16,000 tweets were made about the topic.  

These tweets reminded me of the 2016 US Presidential Elections. Canada’s Immigration Website crashedTrump won key US states. 

A user using the handle @Im_not_pencil posted in Korean “I have to study English and save money to immigrate to Canada. I can’t stay in this stupid place anymore.”

Another user @Allow_opinion: “Let’s all do our best, let’s immigrate, let’s meet in Canada or anywhere else. In our protest, let’s meet.”

User @1013653778_ Shared tipsCanada has a better chance of attracting immigrants. “Must have — steady English learning — it is good to have IELTS 5.5 or higher,”They wrote that they were referring to the standard IELTS (International English Language Testing System English test) English test. 

Yoon is criticized by critics “the South Korean Trump.”The most recent Korea HeraldEditor’s note: Both “have made remarks that would be offensive to other countries, praised heavily controversial political figures, gone after foreigners and shown a poor understanding of feminism.” 

Yoon’s controversial campaign promises included the promise to abolish Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. Yoon claimed that women are not subject to systemic gender discrimination. per AFP. He is an “avowed anti-feminist,”The news agency stated.

South Korea is the bottom The Economist’s glass ceiling indexThis measures the influence and role of women in the workplace and ranks the lowest among the 29 OECD member countries. 

He also made several speeches during his campaign. “a string of gaffes,” AFP reported, “from praising one of the country’s former dictators, to belittling manual labor and Africans.”

Yoon said that he would launch preemptive strikes on North Korea, comments critics called too provocative. According to South China Morning Post, (SCMP),. Kim Jong Un, North Korean leader, has been described as “a…” “rude boy,”Yoon claimed he would make Kim “snap out of it”Upon winning the election per AFP.

SCMP stated that he is tapping into anti-China sentiments at home and has promised closer relations with America. 

Biden called Yoon We congratulate the president electThursday

“The alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea, our economies, and our people is ironclad,”A spokesperson for the White House said that.