Travis Barker makes a recovery from breaking his toe

Travis Barker Keeping his fans in good health. 

The Blink-182 Following an injury to his foot, Travis will have a brace around his feet for the near future. Travis (47) didn’t give many details. However, he shared some with his fans. Twitter

Nov. 21, “I broke my f–king toe.” 

Travis was also a fan. Insta Story to share an image of his X-ray, showing a fracture in his fourth toe on his left foot. A follow-up was also provided by the musician. Photo The image shows his brace being put on his feet by medical staff.

Travis hasn’t allowed the injury to get in his way. He posted the video on his YouTube channel. Instagram Stories overnight, Travis can be seen in the studio rocking out on the drums—boot in tow.

Fans have shown Travis their support via social media as a way to show them love in the wake of his injury. Travis even “liked” A tweet by a fan, “That sucks hope it’s a speedy recovery!!” Another Twitter user joked Travis’ wife. Kourtney Kardashian

“needs to give you some TLC.”