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Liz Truss pledges to limit the power of trade unions to ‘paralyse’ the economy

Liz Truss pledged to do “everything in her power”You can ensure “militant action”Trade unions are no longer able to provide this service. “paralyse”If she wins the Tory leadership election, the economy.

The Foreign Secretary announced several measures that would prevent trade unions causing disruption on national services, such as strategic rail routes.

Ms Truss stated that if she is elected prime minister in September, her government will introduce legislation within the first 30 days to ensure the minimum service level on critical national infrastructure.

Each industry would have its own minimum thresholds and staffing levels.

She would also make sure strike action receives significant support from union members by increasing the threshold for voting in favor of strike action from 40 to 50 percent.

The minimum notice period to strike would be increased from two weeks up to four weeks. Additionally, a cooling-off period will be established so that unions are not able strike as often as they wish within the six-month period.

Ms Truss would also stop members from receiving tax-free payments by trade unions on days when they are on strike.

She stated, “We must take firm and decisive action to limit the power of trade unions to paralyse our economy.

“I will do everything in my power to make sure that militant action from trade unions can no longer cripple the vital services that hard-working people rely on.”