Tragic Details About Vanessa Bryant

In 2004, the Bryants were in the middle of a major feud, with Karl Malone (retired basketball player), who allegedly stalked Vanessa. Vanessa apparently heard Malone tell her that he met Vanessa when she was visiting Malone. “I’m hunting for little Mexican girls,”Per Los Angeles Times. She confided to Kobe that Malone had sexually harassed and made inappropriate comments. Kobe allegedly threatened Malone and he denied making any moves on Vanessa. “Kobe has told me that he feels very hurt and betrayed by what has happened,”Rob Pelinka was Kobe’s agent. ESPN


After the accusations, Kobe was very protective of his wife. “The comments that [Malone] said, I don’t know any man in this room that wouldn’t be upset about that … She felt uncomfortable being around him to the point that she felt she had to call his wife and tell her,”Kobe spoke at a press conference (via ESPN). After the feud had been going on for over a decade Malone declared that he was ready fight Kobe in 2015 (via ESPN). The New York Post


As stated in a separate Los Angeles Timesarticle, the accusations marked turning point for public perception of Kobe. He was soon deemed unworthy. “a contradictory, at times polarizing public figure.”Vanessa defends her outspokenness The Cut, explaining, “Now I realize I do have to talk about certain things. Still, I don’t like the limelight. There’s a lot of good you can do with fame… but a lot of negativity comes along with it.”

Help is available for anyone who has been the victim of sexual assault. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website RAINN’s National Helpline can be reached at 1-800-656-HOPE (44673).