Tom Cruise Returns To CineEurope In Another Surprise Appearance

Refresh for latest…: For the second time in eight months, Tom Cruise thrilled attendees at the CineEurope exhibition conference, appearing live on stage here in Barcelona this morning to cap off Paramount’s slate presentation. The room again positively thundered with applause as everyone leapt to their feet for an extended standing ovation in honor of the Top Gun: Maverick


Cruise, who is fresh off a trip to Korea to promote TGM which opens there tomorrow, and which has crossed $900M at the global box office, was effusive in his praise for exhibitors. “I came here just to say thank you for everything… I know what it takes to do what you do… Thank you for allowing me to have the career I’ve had.”

Somewhat reminiscent of what he said when he surprised CineEurope last October, Cruise continued, “I’m going to keep delivering these films for you… You know I’m here for you and I know you’re here for me.”

Added the star, “Thank you for your help on Top Gun… not just my movies, all movies. I want everyone to win… I see a bright future for all of us.”

Cruise also promised to be back next year with Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning — Part One.