Tiger Woods Reflects on his Own Life “Unfortunate Reality” After Car Accident

“Granted, it’s a pretty nice house I’ve built for myself, but I hadn’t been able to do the one thing I love to do: I love to go outside and just be outside,”He shared. “Sometimes I just crutch and lay on the grass for an hour because I want to be outside.”

Tiger also said that he isn’t relaxing and that he trains for PGA Tournaments, knowing that he will never again be able to play golf. “full time ever again.”

The 45-year old athlete shared, “I think that’s how I’m going to have to play it from now on. It’s an unfortunate reality, but it’s my reality. And I understand it, and I accept it.”

Tiger acknowledged that he’s come back from similarly serious injuries and won the 2019 Masters, but remarked that it’s not possible this time around: “I don’t think that’s a realistic expectation of me.”