This 8-year-old’s math homework is so difficult that the internet can’t find an answer.

Although mathematics isn’t for everyone, we all would like to think that we could help an 8-year old with their homework.

You might also want to take a look at the question mother Dusty Sappington posted to Reddit.

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The truth is, Izzy’s daughter Izzy was asked the question.

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Reddit users attempted it but could not come up with an answer. It is obvious how ridiculous this question is.

Speak to Huffington PostDusty was not sure what had happened, but it proved to be amusing.

“To be honest, I’m unsure if it was printed in error or was a question to test her knowledge of less than and greater than, which she has touched on in the past,”She spoke.

“Being the mother of a third-grader and a fifth-grader, I have seen a lot of homework over the years that has our family laughing at the absurdities, scratching our heads and relying too much on Google,”The mother also added.

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