These TikTok users shared their Thanksgiving cooking failures and you will be astonished at the results.

We can be certain that every Thanksgiving, year after year will bring many cooking disasters in different households.

It doesn’t matter if you are a first-time turkey maker or a veteran, mistakes happen at some point in your life. This is a common occurrence for some, but not others.

In the past, however, these fails were merely shared as an anecdote over dinner or in passing to a friend; but now ladies and gentlemen, we have TikTok, meaning we get to enjoy a laugh over others’ kitchen mistakes.

And hey, we don’t judge! You wouldn’t believe it! If it hasn’t happened to you already, you’re more than likely to endure a brutally burnt turkey or raw pumpkin pie sometime in the future. The holiday is not about the food, but the memories made with our loved ones and friends.

Below, we’ve rounded up some of the most hilarious Thanksgiving cooking fails for your amusement. Enjoy!

Banana pudding, but make it…soup!

Divorce babe divorce!

BPP, also known as Burnt Pecan Pie, is available

Marinating madness

Thanksgiving dinner with a little bit more crunch

Do you really need five loaves?

Oil worth $87 went down the drain. But it looks like there’s a happy ending after all! It all ends well.

Thanksgiving turkey was not in this oven’s job description

This turkey is on fire!


Wine disaster

These ovens did not want work, man! They are they the secret leaders behind the great resignation?

Butter as seasoning may have set off a family feud

Check your labels people!


Remember to prepare your ingredients in advance