There is mystery surrounding the time Rishi Sunak registered a leadership-bid website

Just one day after Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, had declared his intention to resign, Rishi Sunak, ex-Chancellor of India, announced Friday that he would be seeking the leadership position.

Sunak, 42 years old, launched the domain to launch a campaign for the next conservative leader.

“We need to restore trust in our politics. We need to rebuild our economy. And we need to reunite the country”Sunak’s website has a tagline that reads:

Sunak, along with Health Secretary Sajid Javid resigned on Tuesday as Chancellor. This triggered a series of resignations from Johnson’s government.

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Although Javid’s and Sunak’s resignations were unexpectedly announced, Twitter users speculated that Sunak had planned to run for a leadership role because of the domain. “”The re-directs to “”The, was registered December 20, 2121.

Users can search for information using the website “”Was first registered at GoDaddy on December 23, 2021 “”It was only two days after Sunak’s resignation, on July 6, 2022.

Sunak was available for clarification and comment.

MirrorMikey Smith, reporter, tweeted that Sunak’s team had clarified that Sunak’s domain is “”But did not clarify if “”Sunak or his staff bought the item.

Sunak, along with a host of other ministers who have resigned, all cited Johnson’s handling of several scandals in the past year as the reason they left.

Sunak’s resignation letter contained these words “Our people know that if something is too good to be true then it’s not true. They need to know that whilst there is a path to a better future, it is not an easy one. In preparation for our proposed joint speech on the economy next week, it has become clear to me that our approaches are fundamentally too different.”

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