The Walking Dead’s Alvaro Is Actually Named After The Actor Playing Him

Alvaro was a loyal member of The Kingdom who was killed off by Gunther (Whitmer Thomas) in “The Walking Dead” Season 8, Episode 4 (“Some Guy”). Carlos Navarro portrays the character of Alvaro. The actor, who appeared in a total of nine episodes, has a long history behind actually getting cast on “The Walking Dead.”

According to Navarro, it was five years after his initial audition that he actually got an actual call back. In that time, he studied the comics, getting multiple calls from producers that led nowhere. Before finding a newfound focus in his career, Navarro struggled with a drinking problem (per Click Orlando). The actor’s direction in life came after his wife told him, “Carlos, if you give up drinking, you are going to be on ‘The Walking Dead.'”

Navarro said he was told the night before he needed to report to Atlanta, Georgia. The only background he was given was that the character’s name rhymed with his own. Later, when the actor met “Walking Dead” writer Scott Gimple, he discovered the similarity was on purpose. Navarro recalled the story to Click Orlando. “You know, we were waiting forever to find the perfect role for you and man we are so glad.’ I said, ‘You knew the whole time?’ He said, ‘Knew the whole time? That’s why we named him Alvaro, after Navarro,'” the actor recalled.