The Silence of the Lambs: Hidden details you may have missed

Hannibal tells Clarice a terrifying story when he first meets her: “A census-taker tried to test my strength once.” I had his liver, some favas and a Chianti. The hidden meaning of his words is even more disturbing than the story itself. Hannibal’s joke was that he didn’t take his medicine.

We can infer that Hannibal is suffering from some form of mental illness. This may be post-traumatic disorder, depression or antisocial disorder. It’s obvious from the look of his eyes and his lackadaisical attitude towards others. MAOIs can be used to treat depression, anxiety and other mental problems. Certain foods are dangerous when taking MAOIs. This includes liver, wine, and fava beans. Hannibal would not have been able eat that gruesome meal described by him if he was taking MAOIs. Hannibal is the only one who can make a joke so dark and complex.

Please contact us if you, or anyone you know, needs mental health help.

Crisis Text Line Call the number by sending HOME to 741741. National Alliance on Mental Illness Visit the website or call 1-800-950-NAMI to get help. National Institute of Mental Health Website.