The Shocking Truth about British Messiness: Find Out Where Your Area Ranks in New Study

Geordies Named as the Messiest Brits – How Tenants in the North East are the Worst Offenders

A recent study reveals that Geordies are the messiest tenants in the UK, leaving an alarming amount of clutter and belongings behind when they move out, leaving landlords dealing with the mess.

Geordies – The Worst Culprits

According to the study, 86% of tenants in the North East, including Newcastle, were found to be the worst culprits, leaving behind discarded items such as old sofas, bags full of rubbish, broken beds, and clothes, creating an overwhelming amount of clutter for landlords to manage.

Regional Comparisons

The study ranked the North East as the messiest region, followed closely by the North West at 78%, and the West Midlands at 77%. Conversely, the East of England, comprising Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire, was identified as the tidiest region, with only 49% of tenants leaving behind messes upon vacating properties.

Personal Accounts

Sharon Ford, a resident of Newcastle, revealed that her husband, Ian, is known as “Mr. Messy”. She described the various areas of the house that he leaves in disarray, from the bathroom to the bedroom, expressing her frustration at the clutter left in his wake. This account serves to illustrate the real impact of messy tenants on the lives of those around them.

Survey Results Based on Regions

The area-specific data highlights how different regions in the UK fare in terms of tenant cleanliness, with the North East maintaining the highest percentage of messy tenants at 86%. This was followed by the North West at 78%, the West Midlands at 77%, and the East Midlands and Yorkshire & Humber tying at 67%. Scotland, South East, Wales, and South West all had their respective percentages, with the East of England being the neatest region at just 49% of tenants leaving behind clutter.

With the insight provided by the study, it’s clear that Geordies are the messiest tenants in the UK, leaving a considerable impact on landlords and fellow residents alike. If you’re a landlord in the North East, it’s crucial to be prepared for and address the mess left by tenants to maintain the value and integrity of your properties.