The Shocking Impact of Batman’s Full-Frontal Nudity on DC Comics Revealed!

Title: The Fallout from Batman’s Controversial Nudity in DC Comics

The Fallout from Batman’s Controversial Nudity in DC Comics

DC Comics found themselves in a frenzy of damage control when the nudity in “Batman: Damned” captured global attention, even making its way onto “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” In response, DC swiftly made the decision to modify upcoming printings of “Batman: Damned” #1 and retroactively censored the digital version of the issue. Jim Lee, speaking with Polygon at the 2018 New York Comic Con, cited production errors as the cause of the publication of the nudity, stating, “It’s made us, certainly, look at what Black Label is and think about whether these elements are additive to the story. And that’s something that we’ll be mindful of going forward, because I don’t think we want necessarily a repeat of what happened with the first issue.”

Jim Lee’s Comments on DC’s Nudity Controversy

In an interview with Polygon, Jim Lee delved into the controversy surrounding the nudity in “Batman: Damned.” He explained that the decision to include nudity was due to production errors, but acknowledged the need for careful consideration of such elements in future storytelling. Lee emphasized the importance of maintaining the integrity of the Black Label line and ensuring that controversial elements do not overshadow the quality of the narrative.

Dan DiDio’s Regrets on DC’s Nudity Mishap

DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio expressed regret over the inclusion of nudity in the final product of “Batman: Damned.” He admitted that it was not the intended impression he wanted the Black Label line to convey. DiDio lamented the distraction caused by the controversy surrounding the nudity, emphasizing that it detracted from the focus on the storytelling quality that DC aimed to deliver through the imprint.

DC Comics’ Response: Axing “Second Coming” Series

In a bid to avoid further controversy, DC Comics took a decisive step by canceling the religious satire series “Second Coming” by Mark Russell and Richard Pace. The series, which depicted Jesus Christ becoming roommates with Earth’s mightiest hero, encountered early backlash from religious groups. Following a petition signed by nearly 140,000 individuals, DC decided to halt the series to prevent any additional negative attention. Originally intended for the now-defunct Vertigo imprint, “Second Coming” eventually found a new home at Ahoy Comics, allowing the creators to continue their storytelling without the shadow of controversy looming overhead.