The Reason Piers Morgan Just Blasted Daniel Craig

The impetus for Piers Morgan’s criticism of Daniel Craig was sartorial in nature, and focused on a pink velvet blazer Craig wore during his latest film’s premiere. Morgan expressed disapproval for Craig’s choice of fashion in a tweet, presumably sent following the event. The tweet featured a photo (pictured above) of Craig. “O dear O (7) dear,” Morgan wrote

in his caption, seemingly attempting to make a James Bond pun a la Internet visual cues. “James Bond would never wear a garish pink suede dinner jacket.” 

Morgan’s fixation on the color choice of Craig’s jacket — pink — seems to jibe with a similar insult Morgan threw his way in 2018, when Morgan posted on social media that Craig was an “#emasculatedBond” in response to a picture of Craig carrying his then-infant daughter in a papoose. Morgan’s outdated views of masculinity have not been limited to Craig. 

In 2019, The Independent wrote extensively about Morgan’s underlying affinity with men’s rights activists after he expressed his outrage over a Gillette razor ad, which incorporated the #MeToo movement. Morgan shared similar sentiments in March over the gender-neutral rebranding for the children’s toy Mr. Potato Head. At the time, TV personality Susanna Reid put forward the idea his fury over a hollow potato-shaped piece of plastic and its relation to orthodox binary gender expression could be a sign of Morgan’s “fragile masculinity.”